§ 17.20.170. Commission approval.  

Latest version.
  • The final map shall be in substantial conformance with the tentative map and be accompanied by the following documents. All applicable items must be approved prior to review for approval by the planning director, and ratification of the decision of the planning director by the planning commission:


    The improvement plans, approved and signed by the director of public works;


    A subdivision agreement, approved by the county counsel, guaranteeing that the subdivider will complete the construction of improvements within a time period specified by the county and will make full payment therefor;


    Cash deposit or acceptable surety bond equivalent to the estimated cost of construction of all improvements, monuments, landscaping, guaranteeing performance of work, payment for labor and materials, and any other claims that may arise as a result of the improvement work, as set forth in the subdivision agreement;


    Deeds for easements on right-of-way required for road, drainage or other purposes which have not been dedicated on the final map;


    Written evidence acceptable to the public works department in the form of right of entry or permanent easements across private property outside of the subdivision permitting or granting access to perform necessary construction work, permitting the maintenance of the facility and providing access to the subdivision;


    Agreements acceptable to the public works department, executed by the owners of existing utility easements within proposed road right-of-way, consenting to the joint use of the right-of-way as may be required by the county for the convenience and public use of the road;


    Two copies of fully executed CC&R's shall be approved in final form by county counsel;


    Deposit made with recorder for recording fees;


    Proof of payment from tax collector showing that all payable taxes have been paid, and a bond or cash deposit guaranteeing payment of taxes and assessments then a lien, but not yet payable, as required by the Subdivision Map Act;


    Cash payment or proof of payment for all checking and filing fees; inspection of construction; cash deposits as required by the fire districts or water company or districts having jurisdiction of fire hydrant rental fees, and other applicable fees or deposits; all approved by the county surveyor;


    Evidence of formation of legal entities when required to operate and perform all required maintenance and services.

    When the final map conforms to the tentative map, local ordinances, the Subdivision Map Act, and is technically correct, the original tracing of the final map, signed by all parties required to execute the owner's certificate and surveyor's certificate on the map, shall be submitted to the county surveyor. The county surveyor shall present the final map to the planning director for approval or disapproval. If disapproved, the county surveyor shall return the map to the subdivider with an explanation for its rejection. If approved by the planning director and ratified by the planning commission, the county surveyor shall forward such map to the board together with all required accompanying documents, recommending approval.

(Ord. 83-446-I § 1, 1983: Ord. 74-446 Art. II § 3, 1974.)