I. - Introduction  

Latest version.
  • These objectives, criteria and procedures hereinafter referred to as the "Environmental Handbook" have been prepared for use by the Mono County Planning Department and the public.

    Its purpose is to facilitate the day-to-day evaluation of discretionary projects within the unincorporated area. It is not the intent of these procedures to be a recital of or substitute for the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines prepared by the State. This Environmental Handbook is to be read in conjunction with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA, Public Resources Code Section 21000, et seq.) and the State CEQA Guidelines. If there is any conflict or inconsistency between this Environmental Handbook and the State law or guidelines, the State law or guidelines shall control. References to the sections of the State guidelines are noted in parentheses.

    It is the intent of the County of Mono to:


    Implement the California Environmental Quality Act—Law and Guidelines 1984, and repeal the "1982 Procedures."


    Preserve, protect and enhance the natural and human environment of Mono County; and


    Establish a procedure within the Planning Department to identify, review and evaluate environmental aspects of projects that are under the jurisdiction of LAFCo or the Board of Supervisors or any of the departments, special districts or commissions that they govern.


    Incorporate environmental constraints and considerations into project conceptualization, design and planning at the earliest feasible time enabling revisions in the project plans as may be necessary and agreed to by the applicant, mitigating adverse impacts before an EIR is prepared, thereby allowing a project to qualify for a Negative Declaration.